SIR – SSBU – Tourney Announcements

SIR – SSBU – Tourney Announcements

For our Super Smash Bros. Ultimate-Players from Team SIR, I started to create special Announcement-images for social media for their offline tournaments. Here are some of the best images: No idea what I am talking about? >>Expand your horizon<< Smash...
SIR Oath

SIR Oath

For our website, we are going to create a page about the origin of Team SIR and so we thought of the famous Rütli oath, which was the moment, when Switzerland was created. This is the original of a painting of the Rütli oath. This is the finished image, where I put...
Auctionhouse Rapp: Photomontages

Auctionhouse Rapp: Photomontages

Here’s a little collection of some montages I did for the Auctionhouse Rapp’s social media channel. As the auction is coming, as more objects we photographed, so I could have some fun with these precious...
SIR Appenzeller Beer Sponsor

SIR Appenzeller Beer Sponsor

Appenzeller Bier became a new sponsor for our Team Swiss Incredible Rebels. So to announce this great news, I created this image. I put these three images together and added two beers for them and a cylinder hat and monocle for the cat, to look like our SIR Logo. The...
New SIR Mascot: Akio

New SIR Mascot: Akio

For my Esport society Team SIR, I created some funny pictures of one of the member’s dog Akio. His owner put our SIR-Jersey on him: And I immediatly thought of this: Afterwards I realesed the picture… And got him a car, because his owner plays in our Rocket...
Danni in danger

Danni in danger

My friend needed models for her photography course, so we meet up and made some funny pictures (of course we did some serious with lightning and positioning too!). So I told her, to do one from above and I act as if I was haning from a cliff. And then add a random...