Baker’s exam

Baker’s exam

My friend asked me to help him with his baker’s exam. Via Discord we talked about ideas and I could create some scribbles while we discussed. In no time, we had our concept: – A figur which is fully edibel, mainly made of bread and underlines his...
14 days of Japan

14 days of Japan

From the 27th april to the 11th may 2019, I went with my boyfriend to Japan – a dream I had since I was a child, not only because of the Anime/Gaming- or Manga-stuff, also because of the traditional temples and to get to near their culture! It was a wonderfull...
Hystory project about my father

Hystory project about my father

For history class we had to do an interview with someone, who was in touch with the cold war or the following casualities. Although, I didn’t know someone, I persuade my teacher, if I could interview my father and show some changes of the agriculture of my...
Typography Booklet

Typography Booklet

This was a school project about typography and layout of a booklet. It all had to be in black-white and we had get the media by ourself. The text was already given. It was about fonts and their speciality, so I packed my mom’s camera and went to the capitol of...