Center newspaper Shopping Silberturm

Center newspaper Shopping Silberturm

Shopping Silberturm in St. Gallen is publishing their center newspaper every year, so this year it was my turn to do the make-over. The center newspaper I found this nice online platform Yumpu, where you can upload your PDF-files and publish them like a real magazine...
Danni in danger

Danni in danger

My friend needed models for her photography course, so we meet up and made some funny pictures (of course we did some serious with lightning and positioning too!). So I told her, to do one from above and I act as if I was haning from a cliff. And then add a random...
Hystory project about my father

Hystory project about my father

For history class we had to do an interview with someone, who was in touch with the cold war or the following casualities. Although, I didn’t know someone, I persuade my teacher, if I could interview my father and show some changes of the agriculture of my...


In a previous post, I presented you my work for, which is known as E-sports League) since the start of 2018. With digmo together, we created the new graphic arts for SESL. The following pictures show my part of the work. Header Banner...