Honey Tag

Honey Tag

My sister and her husband are keeping bees in a discarded train wagon. Both work at a railway company, which explains the train wagon. There are even abandoned railways right behind their house. They sell honey since 2013 and used a basic template from the Swiss Bee...
SIR – SSBU – Tourney Announcements

SIR – SSBU – Tourney Announcements

For our Super Smash Bros. Ultimate-Players from Team SIR, I started to create special Announcement-images for social media for their offline tournaments. Here are some of the best images: No idea what I am talking about? >>Expand your horizon<< Smash...
SIR Oath

SIR Oath

For our website, we are going to create a page about the origin of Team SIR and so we thought of the famous Rütli oath, which was the moment, when Switzerland was created. This is the original of a painting of the Rütli oath. This is the finished image, where I put...
Baker’s exam

Baker’s exam

My friend asked me to help him with his baker’s exam. Via Discord we talked about ideas and I could create some scribbles while we discussed. In no time, we had our concept: – A figur which is fully edibel, mainly made of bread and underlines his...
Auctionhouse Rapp: Photomontages

Auctionhouse Rapp: Photomontages

Here’s a little collection of some montages I did for the Auctionhouse Rapp’s social media channel. As the auction is coming, as more objects we photographed, so I could have some fun with these precious...