A friend of me, who I met when I was cosplaying, asked me to create a logo for her cosplay-brand: Kenika Cosplay. I was so happy, she asked, because I wanted to help her!
Unfortunately miscommunication happened and she wasn’t pleased about the due date. S**t happens, so we went on and let the past stay the past!


I played with roses and feathers, because she wanted something like Sailor Moon and I thought about her Holypriest-Cosplay from WoW. I tried to capture the design in a logo and this came out:.

Recreation with Adobe Illustrator

Background wihtin the Logo

I liked the logo and tried something out with the background in Adobe Photoshop.
I showed her the pictures. She didn’t see the woman-like head, so I had to make it more detailed and added runes to the hood. Also I tried to add hair, which looks way better!

Brand Font

This was the most difficult part of the logo, because I am not that well with text-editing in Illustrator.

I tried to make a curve in the text, so it would fit the form of the wing. The font wasn’t set. It was just an example, so I could try out a bit.

She wished for this font, so I granted her wish and we tried out some different positions until she was content. The logo on the right is the finished version.

On the right side, you see all paths, I made with Adobe Illustrator. One is with merged paths and the other one with every single path.