For our Super Smash Bros. Ultimate-Players from Team SIR, I started to create special Announcement-images for social media for their offline tournaments. Here are some of the best images:

No idea what I am talking about?
>>Expand your horizon<<

Smash Hammered

Smash Hammered is a tourney-line-up from Smash Bros Züri, which started in fall 2021.

ManaBar tourneys

ManaBar is a bar in Basel, which not only serves cold refreshments, but also organizes hot tourneys!

International tourneys

Boarders can’t stop our players! They’ve been smashing in France and went to Austria several times. Sir Jaka is already wanted at the WAG-tourneys, as this twitter post shows.

Various tourneys

Well, here’s nothing much to add, just images, who don’t really belong to a certain group.