Honey Tag

Honey Tag

My sister and her husband are keeping bees in a discarded train wagon. Both work at a railway company, which explains the train wagon. There are even abandoned railways right behind their house. They sell honey since 2013 and used a basic template from the Swiss Bee...
14 days of Japan

14 days of Japan

From the 27th april to the 11th may 2019, I went with my boyfriend to Japan – a dream I had since I was a child, not only because of the Anime/Gaming- or Manga-stuff, also because of the traditional temples and to get to near their culture! It was a wonderfull...
Koffer- & Flohmarkt Shopping Silberturm

Koffer- & Flohmarkt Shopping Silberturm

For the event Koffer- and Flohmarkt at the Shopping Silberturm in St. Gallen, which is happening twice a year, I redesigned the print-products and even made a short clip for the TV passenger, which is published in most of the buses in Switzerland. Of course, for this...
Center newspaper Shopping Silberturm

Center newspaper Shopping Silberturm

Shopping Silberturm in St. Gallen is publishing their center newspaper every year, so this year it was my turn to do the make-over. The center newspaper I found this nice online platform Yumpu, where you can upload your PDF-files and publish them like a real magazine...


In a previous post, I presented you my work for prefire.ch, which is known as sesl.ch(Swiss E-sports League) since the start of 2018. With digmo together, we created the new graphic arts for SESL. The following pictures show my part of the work. Header Banner...


From a dear friend I got a job to create images for the website prefire.ch, which now is called Swiss eSports League (sesl.ch/). On the website you can join game-tournaments and win prizes! It’s the official Swiss Game League.Since the 8th of January they changed the...